Staff List 2024-2025
Mrs K Adcock (Designated Safeguarding Lead)
Assistant Headteacher
Mrs E Griffin (Deputy DSL)
Mrs M Gray
Class Teachers
EYFS (Nursery and Reception)
Mrs S Lawton-Jones
Year 1 and 2
Mrs E Field
Year 3 and 4
Mrs E Griffin
Year 5 and 6
Mrs S Jones
PPA Cover
Mr Neil Supperstone (PE Coach)
Miss Millie Sturzaker (PE Coach)
Mrs E Stokes (currently on leave)
Teaching Assistants
Miss L Wong
Ms J Bradford (THRIVE Trained Practitioner)
Mrs G Payne
Miss S Parker
Mrs S Moreton (THRIVE Trained Practitioner)
Tillman Lodge SEMH Resource Provision
Miss S Clark (Class Teacher)
Mrs C Sweet (Class Teacher and DSL)
Mrs N Rabidas (DSL/Family Wellbeing Facilitator)
Mrs S Bleby (TA)
Mr T Manise (TA)
Miss F Charlton (TA)
Wrap-Around Provision
Miss Tara Morris
Miss Katie Hems
Office Manager: Mrs F Lidgate-Taylor
Finance Assistant: Mrs L Jay
Caretaker: Mr P Fletcher
Cleaning Staff: Mrs B Mills